We received notice that there is a phishing scam going on with the treasurer email address (MGE PTA Treasurer). Please remember that MGE PTA would never email or call requesting help depositing/sending money.

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Griffin! Our school is a great example of how a strong partnership between families and teachers, and the community create a rewarding and engaging environment for our kids. MGE PTA is the primary way parents and extended families get involved in all aspects of our school. PTA activities are paid for through our fundraising efforts, and we’d like to invite you to participate.


GrizzFest Auction & School Carnival


Let's Grizzfest on Friday, Novembre 8th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. There's lots of fun in store for you...rides, games, inflatables, food, and a silent auction.  Don't miss this exciting event!



Grif "Fun Run"



The PTA helps our school purchase technology, programs and materials that are not in their budget. 





Spirit Nights



Please join us for food and fun at our Spirit Nights! Mention Griffin Elementary and a portion of sales goes back to MGE.






Birthday Marquee

Let us help you celebrate your child's special day by placing their name on the school marquee the week of their birthday.  Please visit your forms or click this link to order your marquee.



If you would like to make a donation, please click this link to donate online, or fill our this form and return it with your donation to the school.