We received notice that there is a phishing scam going on with the treasurer email address (MGE PTA Treasurer). Please remember that MGE PTA would never email or call requesting help depositing/sending money.
Entering/ Exiting the Building
Must show ID to camera in front entry area
Get Raptor badge from front office staff; wear the badge at all times
Enter and exit through the front door only
When leaving, give your Raptor badge to the front desk so they can check you out and log your hours
Volunteer Hours
Please remember to log your volunteer hours. Every hour volunteered at MGE is reported to Katy ISD. The Raptor system logs your hours at school. Please record any hours worked off campus on the link available at www.mgepta.org on the volunteer page.
Park in front of school if there is a visitor spot
Do not park in spot that has a sign with someone’s name or position (only visitor spots)
Staff parking lot- may park there BUT do not enter or leave staff parking lot during dismissal times to pick up or drop off your child (use the carpool line)
Only go to the location in which you are supposed to be volunteering. If you want to eat lunch with your child, tell the front office when getting your Raptor badge
Do not enter the classroom unless that is where you are volunteering
If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, please call and make an appointment
Dress Code
Always dress appropriately by adhering to the same dress guidelines that apply to our students.
Limit cell phone usage in the school to prevent teaching distractions. Silence your phone while on campus
Make sure to use appropriate language at all times and do not make any comments to any children that may be considered derogatory. Please remember you are serving under the direction and supervision of the teacher; do not discipline students; only work with students in open, observable areas.
Conversations heard while at school should remain confidential
Be respectful of other parents, staff, students
Front office restroom
Staff restroom in each pod (single stall)
Do not use student restrooms
Siblings/Younger Children
The PTA Workroom is open to volunteers with children
Do not take siblings into classrooms
Teacher Workroom
No children allowed
Workroom supplies and equipment should be used for school use only
Emergency Procedures
Fire- evacuate according to maps (red then green), lights off, door open, report to area captains
Bomb- exit building
Lock Down (hide)- out of sight, lights out, blinds drawn, SILENT, report by email
Lock Out (keep them out)- return to building, lock exterior doors, location least visible, report by email
Shelter in Place- Indoors, lock exterior doors
Tornado- move inside to location on map, away from windows, remain until clear
Intruder- run, hide, fight, silence technology, call 911
Parties/Teacher Birthdays
No baby showers, wedding showers or birthday parties during instructional time
May not ask for gifts for the teacher
May ask for a note or picture from the child or tell them you are celebrating
No decorating the doors; no decorations hanging from ceiling or within 3 feet of the door; may bring flowers or balloons